It’s no secret at IOE that our volunteers are the beating heart of the organisation. We love them, we support them and we couldn’t do what we do without them. Usually, on National Volunteer Week, we celebrate them with a social get-together like a pizza night or dinner at a restaurant. This year, we had to find different ways to come together and have some fun to show them how much we value their contribution. Instead of a few hours of pizza and laughs, we spread NVW 2020 celebrations across the week and it was so much fun!

Monday Trivia

Who doesn’t love a bit of friendly trivia from the comfort of your own home? To kick start National Volunteer Week 2020 volunteers competed to secure one of the top three prizes over Zoom. With 15 seconds to answer each question, you either knew it or you didn’t; no time for googling here! After 60 questions and repeat visits from our furry friends including Tiny (the not so tiny dog), Georgia, a host and recreation volunteer took out first place, followed by Matt and then Enzo; two of our recreation volunteers! 

Wednesday Orientation

Interchange Outer East’s volunteer orientation is now ONLINE! To celebrate and get to know some of our new volunteers better, we ran our second vollie orientation on Wednesday with great success! Missing the technical difficulties of the first session, we had five volunteers plough through two hours of content and ensure they are ready to hit the ground running with their volunteering once COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. Welcome to the team!

Keen to volunteer? Click here – your future awaits!

Friday Games Night

One of the best things about volunteering at IOE is our vollie culture! Friday night had us playing traditional camp games such as Mafia, Nine Squares and the Party Game all over Zoom. These games have been around for as long as IOE has. We had volunteers who have solved all the tricks and patterns in the book and others still on the journey there. It was lots of fun. Volunteer games are the best way to wind down and get to know each other!

Facebook Fun

We shared the vollie love on Facebook during National Volunteer Week too! There were some laughs and strangely accurate musings using the fun ‘tap the middle button’ game to finish a sentence using your phone’s predictive text. We also got involved in Volunteering Autralia’s #WaveForVolunteers campaign, see some of the pictures below!

To all our recreation and host volunteers once again, we appreciate you, we miss you and we can’t wait to see you out there again soon doing what you do best!