In 2022, we held our first Burmese Family Camp for carers and their families. We are excited to announce that we will be holding another Family Camp for our local Burmese carer community very soon! This camp is for all local Burmese carers (including carers of an elderly family member or someone with disability), and their families including the person they care for.

When: Friday 31 March to Sunday 2 April 2023
Where: CYC The Island, Phillip Island
Cost: Free!

Interested? Complete this online form: https://bit.ly/Burmese_FC2023 by Sunday 15 January 2023.

For enquiries or assistance: Contact Lucy on 0438 444 199 or 9758 5522 or email lucy.depetro@ioe.org.au

If you know someone who is a carer within the Burmese community – a neighbour, friend, colleague, please let them know about this camp. We would love to see them there!