There is no better way to welcome in December than hosting our renowned Interchange Outer East Vollie Camp! This jam packed weekend had many new and old faces venture out to The Summit in Trafalgar to enjoy campsite activities, have some fun and get to know each other a little better.

We set the tone by starting off with introducing Warm and Fuzzies; an awesome camp long activity that gave everyone an opportunity to empower and inspire each other with personal messages of gratitude and recognition. After setting up our personalised pigeon holes we ventured into the world of vollie games. Everyone got involved and tried to figure out ‘9 Squares’ and the ‘Party Game’ with one volunteer cracking the code in record time!

On Saturday we split into our teams – Green & Purple, and started the campsite activities. We started with the flying fox which had us zipping (and some squealing) from the trees and over the lake. Laser tag and the ominous ‘Snakes and Nails’ activities came next. Whilst one team spent their rotation weaving, ducking and chasing their opponents down, the other team challenged their fears by walking over a bed of nails and petting one of the residents snakes!

Saturday night vollie games continued in true vollie camp fashion. Between the elusive ‘Ghost is Walking’ and ‘Fighting Hairs’ laughs could have been heard from across the valley!

We ended camp with a flurry; A flurry of chalk! Green and Purple regrouped in the battle field, chalk in hand. They covered each other in eco-friendly Holi Chalk until their bottles ran dry! After a cleanup, lunch and a quick mini Olympics, it was time to say Goodbye to Vollie Camp for 2021!

Thank You!

A massive shutout to all the amazing volunteers who made camp as great as it was. And of course, Knox City Council for funding this event with a Community Development Fund grant.

Vollie Camp is a fantastic opportunity for our recreation volunteers. We run this camp not only to show how much we value and appreciate them, but also to support their growth and development, build on their skills, and to ensure they really feel part of this inclusive and supportive community.

Keen to find out more about volunteering at IOE and being part of events like this in future? Check out Volunteer With Us or get in touch at volunteers@ioe.org.au.

For some of the best pics from Vollie Camp, head to our Facebook page!


Coming out of lockdown demanded something new and fun, and so we were so excited to partner with Adam Gibson Coaching to deliver a four week basketball clinic. Adam has had a long career in the NBL, has played for the Australian Boomers at the London Olympics and is an amazing and supportive coach.

It was great to see a good mix of people attend; those who were experienced in basketball and others who were just starting out. By the end of our four sessions we saw some amazing development. We celebrated one participant able to maintain a dribble, another shoot their first goal and others get a much deeper understanding of team work. We saw people make new friends and build on existing friendships.

Fiona and Tom have loved working with Adam and Sarah to develop and deliver an amazing program. We are so grateful to Adam for being willing to try something new. Thanks also to our volunteers Alicia, Rachel and Daniel who helped to support the program.

Looking ahead we hope to offer more inclusive pop-up sports clinics. We have booked another clinic with Adam for next year and we plan on delivering a soccer clinic and a netball clinic in the new year too. We are also very open to other suggestions so please get in touch if you have any ideas.

If you would like to register your interest for finding out more about these programs please contact gap@ioe.org.au.


Keep up-to-date. Read the latest news from IOE with the October 2021 edition of our monthly newsletter.


Keep up-to-date. Read the latest news from IOE with the September 2021 edition of our monthly newsletter.


Usually a group based program, the IOE House Intensive Program reverts to a 1:1 support model within the house during COVID-19 lockdowns. A favourite part of the program among the groups is always having their families over for dinner. However, this is no longer possible with the restrictions in place. One of the program participants, Jarrod, together with program worker, Dianne, started to run with the idea of an Uber Eats style meal delivery to Jarrod’s family.

That night, the pair were inspired by watching the Scooby Doo movie and this is how Scoober Doober Eats was born! Jarrod and Dianne did all the shopping and food prep together (as they normally would in the program), cooked up a delicious chicken parmigiana, packaged it up and delivered in to Jarrod’s family who live locally. The idea was such a hit that Dianne decided to replicate it for David and his family later in the week; lasagna this time! Jarrod, Dianne and David have all enjoyed developing the Scoober Doober Eats idea and loved being able to think outside the box under challenging circumstances.

During their two day and one overnight stay at the House Intensive property, they also do lots of forest walks, practise some simple bush yoga and enjoy activities like drawing, writing, card and board games, puzzles and general conversation at home. And of course we do our general household tasks as well; bed making, dishes, floors and bathrooms, etc. It’s a great program whether group based or 1:1.’ Dianne, House Intensive Support Worker.

Click for more information on the House Intensive  Program.


The Interchange Outer East Home Experience Program (HEP) is a brand new program for young adults with disability. It supports three participants at a time who are ready for greater independence in their lives. The participants live in a share house 24/7 for a six month period. IOE provides part time staffing and a lead tenant who is onsite overnight. This support ensures the housemates are safely developing skills required for the transition into moving out of the family home. Participants may choose to go to day programs, work and volunteer during the day, or simply stay home. Staff are not on site between 9am and 4pm weekdays.

The program coordinator, Linda Hull said, ‘After months and months of behind the scenes work; searching for the right rental property, finding the right staff and lead tenant, purchasing furniture & equipment and loads of other preparations  (all whilst dealing with COVID-19 restrictions!), we are so thrilled that this amazing new program officially commenced on Monday 9 August.’

The first day was a flurry of activity; unpacking, sorting, sharing, chatting, laughing, shopping and eating. It was fantastic to see loads of banter between housemates, sharing stories and getting to know each other better.

‘It has been a thrill already to witness the housemates experiencing a whole lot of firsts, from the first meal together, first shopping trip, first night in a share house and the first walk around the block getting familiar the neighbourhood. Choosing what, when and how they eat, sleep, work and play is all a part of their newfound freedom and so far they are having a ball!’ – Louise, HEP support worker.


To find out more about this fantastic new program, download the flyer here:  Home-Experience-Program-HEP.pdf .

If you are interested in being a part of this program in the future, contact the HEP coordinator on 9758 5522 or by email at linda.hull@ioe.org.au


Keep up-to-date. Read the latest news from IOE with the August 2021 edition of our monthly newsletter.

Volunteering at early learning centre


For the last two years IOE participants from our House Intensive Program have been volunteering in their communities. Jessica, Steph, Bronwyn and Andrew volunteer every Tuesday at Gladysdale Primary School. The group has been participating in their Plants to Plate program. The whole school is involved and the activities range from cooking with what has been grown in the garden beds, using materials such as branches found on the grounds to build garden fences, collecting eggs from the chicken coup, cleaning out the chicken area, planting vegetables and flowers from last year’s collected seeds and caring for the garden. The teachers and principal have welcomed the group and value each member’s contribution. The mutual benefits are enormous; they have built a strong rapport with the students and teachers, they learn and pass on new skills and are being involved in their community.

Paisley, Melissa and Jessica volunteer each Monday at the King Kids Early Learning Centre and Kindergarten in Mooroolbark. They participate in the planned activities and support the children as needed. Jessica has organised art activities, supplied the resources and then facilitated the activities. Melissa has been teaching the children some Auslan signs, in particular the rainbow song to perform at the end of the year. Paisley engages really well with the children and loves to engage in the art projects in particular. We have our lunch break in the staff room which gives us the opportunity to get to know all the staff. Our time and participation at King Kids is valued and appreciated. The benefits for our participants is that they are doing valued volunteering but also get to be in a workplace environment that reinforces work ethics and skill development.

– By Theresa, IOE Support Worker