Almost three weeks of the new normal and this working from home gig has its benefits. No commute. If I forget my lunch (most days), I just walk into the kitchen. When seeking a distraction I just play with the dog. There are no children in my house so it’s all quite peaceful really. I can hear the muted tones of Monash University online in the background (my niece is staying with us – our dog attends many of the lectures!) and with Jules spending her days in the garden (online playgroups are not happening) it means I have a very peaceful and serene workplace.

I compare this peace with some of the sounds I hear and see when talking and zooming with co-workers. WWE bouts live in the lounge room, wall decorating behind mum during a Zoom session, unrelenting screaming and giggling in the background, co-workers being shot with Nerf guns whilst trying to be attentive, staff being used as climbing frames now that playgrounds are off limits, and I love the …’will you guys just be quiet, can’t you see I’m on the phone!’ or the ‘go annoy mum she’s trying to work too!‘ rants in the middle of conversations.

It has been a busy few weeks and I feel for all our families, volunteers and staff dealing with the additional challenges. I have been really proud of the way staff have adapted and accepted that we need to do things differently and that what they are doing now isn’t necessarily what they signed up for. Given the situation the response from staff has been brilliant and families have been able to continue to access the support they need. We made a commitment to all that we would get through this challenge together without leaving anybody behind and we are working hard to make that happen.

To all our support workers, I want to thank you for all you have done for families. Coordinators, plan managers and all office based staff – juggling work and home life whilst ensuring families are able to access support, have been brilliant. In the background have been our finance and admin people that have ensured that IOE can keep working and ensuring people get paid.

There is other work happening that we hope will be rolled out in the near future. Online social group opportunities and other online options are being developed. It might be nice to have a virtual overseas trip, a road trip or a camp, to connect up with friends or other carers whilst doing a yoga or exercise class. The options are endless and we hope to be bringing them to you soon.

Easter is nigh and I wish everybody all the best at this time. Just watch out for the Easter Bunny, I’m not sure how that works with social distancing, visiting all those homes! So be sure to arm your children with alcohol spray to clean any eggs that may land in your vicinity.

